Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Halfway to Paradise,

So near, yet so far away.
Half of the last list now achieved and plans now worked out for the rest. I tested the amp and it screamed at me so I am guessing a DC signal on the audio output from the satnav. I looked on eBay and the cheapest isolating transformer was also the most suitable so I ordered one and it may well be here today.
The hole in the floor is a very simple fix. I should be able to make up the panel from some of the redundant aluminium sheet from the shelving and have it ready to mount on a dry day. I have a template for the four holes and I will drill them and then cut a rough circle out. Once the plate is fixed in place with four stainless steel bolts, I will fill the gap with either polyurethane foam or caulk.
The fridge continues to wobble and it annoys me more than any other of the undone jobs so I will also have to get on to that as soon as possible.
What a joy to have the newer satnav up and running again. It was great that the older one was still there and lurking in case of problems but the new software is superb and much faster to find the signals.
I'm a clever boy sometimes.The transformer did arrive and it has done the trick beautifully, we now have a very clean sound in the cab and no whine. I also took the opportunity to run in the new improved GPS mouse and mount it on the dashboard.

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