Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

More a statement than a saying in this instance.
Since the last post, I have been unable to do any work on janis due to a heavy smack in the face from my car door. This was entirely self inflicted and has laid me low for the past few days. As, due to my medication, I am very susceptible to bruises and unable to take anti-inflammatory drugs then another saying comes into operation. What can't be cured must be endured.
I had an email conversation with VW Paul today, he is all ready to take janis in on Friday and begin the installation. That's the last we shall see of her for about ten days and then I can go and pick her up again. Most of the ten days we will be resting up in readiness for the wedding so it will be wonderful just coming back home and having janis finally ready to take away for the first time.
Except, of course, that there will still be a few minor jobs to do that couldn't be managed until after the big job.

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