Monday, November 30, 2009

Boring I know, but.................

When nothing much happens, it can be a good thing. I am still driving on a fairly high proportion of chip oil and all is still well. The interesting thing for me is the amazing mpg I am getting. This engine is a very economical one and with the gearing and the fact that, despite it's age, it is barely run in yet, I have used just less than a quarter tank - about 17 - 18 litres in the past two weeks and that includes several long, by my standards, cross city trips. All of this, I was aware of before but now I also have the added bonus that I am only paying about 75p for my combined fuels. So the fact that nothing is happening is, for me, a good thing. One tip I was given, right or wrong, is to run through a tank of commercial bio diesel every so often as it will clean the system through.

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