Monday, July 6, 2009

A busy weekend.

We rose early on Saturday and did the rounds of Homebase, Wickes and Carpet Warehouse. Came away with all we needed for the house and a few items for janis. I spent a happy hour fitting the new fuse box and checking that everything worked, it did, then I had a close look at the under side of the Eberspacher unit and then we got on with the house.
On Sunday, we took janis out to collect the new carpet for the attic and I also bought a set of small metric spanners to make an attempt on the Eberspacher removal. My major problem is that it is mounted above the very large exhaust box and is almost impossible to reach.
I had a chat with Russ about this on Saturday and we wondered about getting it done whilst having an exhaust fitted.......... I was going to have a stainless steel one next year anyway.........
Good news! I have just booked her in for a new stainless steel exhaust and the garage is more than happy to remove the Eberspacher unit for me whilst doing the job. The cost is also less than I had expected for a complete new system with a lifetime guarantee.

Today I began a list of supplies and suppliers for the benefit of others. On the right at the bottom, check out "Where I bought the bits." All of these suppliers were good to me and provided an excellent service.

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