Sunday, May 10, 2009

All done bar the.....

Well, the second set of speakers are installed and working well. I was even able to leave the original tweeters in circuit for that extra quality. I have also finished the sound insulation on the firewall inside the old tool box under the co drivers seat. I have finished the final silicon sealing on the reversing radar and all that is left now is for the sound insulation to be put on the wheel arches. From then on, I am relying on outside people to finish the main habitation areas.
My next DIY job will be to install the GPS mouse and seal it in. Then it's just a matter of cutting the horrible black sealant out of the holes in the roof and finishing the holes off with body filler. Inside the cab, I will be doing the same with the holes in the plastic except that the filler there will be grey Milliput ( Modelers moulding resin ).
In addition, I was able to see what the problem is with the electrics coming off the PMR auxiliary circuits. They do all work, they just keep blowing fuses! I must investigate further.

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