Monday, May 4, 2009

"Busy doing nothing, working the whole day through."

Bing Crosby, Sir Cedric Hardwick and William Bendix.

The whole of Saturday was just one of those day when you wish you had stayed in bed. I got up early and left Ceri sorting out the electrics. I started to work on the AC side and ran the mains cable
through the bus to the point where I intended to cut the hole for the inlet plug. I marked and cut the hole only to find that I should have gone about two inches lower in order to miss a fixing point for the inner wall. Great, the only way to use my large hole was to chop out part of the bracket. This was fine, but it had to be done from the inside and that meant either removing the whole panel which is riveted in place or by cutting through the plastic wall and cutting the bracket as well. I took option two and it has made less mess than the alternative and, of course, is much smaller. So the mains is in, secure, watertight and working.Next, I had to fit the switches for the auxiliary lighting and extractor fan. It was at this point I discovered that I had mounted the new panel with the holes over a piece of one inch three ply. Cut holes through and wrecked my fabric covering. So, on to plan B and I now have a nice blanking plate with three switches mounted. There is still a problem, however, in that the switches now appear not to do anything. Was it me?
My final problem was that the second CD changer bought on eBay is, in fact, worse than the 90p wonder from the previous week. At least the first one was complete and, indeed, did work very briefly. The second one could never have worked as it had been dismantled and re-assembled wrongly with parts missing. If I am lucky, I may get one good one out of the pair of them.

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